HOW WE ROLL | The Vaughan Mills Shopping Shuttle Returns
My shopping compadres: the lovely Momming Inc. ladies, Classy on the Run & The Curious Creature.
As someone who likes to shop (a LOT), I've developed several coping strategies to make my shopping experiences as joyful as possible. My goals are always the same:
1) Find cute stuff
2) Score amazing deals I can brag about later
3) Buy cute stuff (see #1)
4) Feel happiness/elation/joy
5) Avoid stress to keep the happiness/elation/joy rolling (see #4)
I personally find things like parking, driving and 407 tolls take away significantly from my shopping joy. So, the Vaughan Mills shopping shuttle is my go-to. When VM announced that the shuttle was back for yet another year, I gave a little woot-woot and hopped on the GO from Kitchener to Toronto to celebrate the shuttle's summer launch.
I arrive at Union Station and head to 123 Front Street at 9:15 am to grab my shuttle wristband with fellow shopping enthusiasts Momming Inc., Classy on the Run & The Curious Creature (aka Trouble). We go by blogger aliases because we take shopping that seriously. Seriously. You can register for a shuttle wristband the morning of but they recommend you arrive around 8:30 to secure your spot. The coach usually fills up quickly because it's FREE (seriously) with free WiFi on board - Vaughan Mills is a bit of a trek if you're coming from downtown so the shuttle is a no-brainer. The shuttle holds 55 passengers and runs round-trip rides twice daily from Union Station to Vaughan Mills (full directions & details here).
After spilling half of my latte down the front of my shirt whilst talking a little too enthusiastically about pom-poms (again, seriously), the mom bloggers grabbed me some napkins, patted me down, and then we all hopped on board. The shuttle left promptly at 10 am and arrived at Vaughan Mills by 10:25 (!).
I had several missions to accomplish by 3 pm so I had to focus. On my list: a few Sephora splurges, anything and everything with pom-poms and/or fringe, summer shoes (always shoes), and possibly a few things for my husband and kids because they're cute. I also had a styling session and video shoot booked with girl boss, Katie Zeppieri so had to be extra efficient. Luckily, Vaughan Mills makes shopping easy. I found my pom-poms at DSW and HR2, scored some adorable kids clothes at J.Crew Factory, did a little damage at Nine West Studio and Capezio and then splurged, as planned, at Sephora. Quick lunch at Aroma Espresso Bar (my fave), very pink styling sesh with Katie for Girl Talk Day, and then back on the shuttle for 3 pm.
Looking for a quick, easy and fun way to get your summer shopping on? The Vaughan Mills Shopping Shuttle is officially rolling and operates from now until September 30th, returning Nov 24th - Dec 26th (shuttle doesn't operate Dec 25th) just in time for your Holiday shopping.
See you on board! After all, I've already thought of a few more summer things I just might need ;)
Um, did somebody say FREE?
Love, exciting and new, all aboard, we're expecting youuuuu....
I didn't get the memo. I made the memo. #matchy
Styling sesh with girl boss Katie Zeppieri...
A few of my fun scores...