Back at It
Me with my hair not did. Typical.
Okay, so I know I've been gone for a little while. Okay, a loooong while. I'm sorry. I don't really think I ever said goodbye, did I? Here's what happened: I was the stylist for Vaughan Mills, which morphed into me taking over a mat leave as Marketing Director, which then became another marketing mat leave contract at another shopping centre. I was offered an amazing career opportunity, so I took it and loved every minute. If you follow me on Instagram (& if you don't, please do), you probably saw just how much fun I've had over these last few years.
But here's the thing: commuting nearly 4 hours a day with a husband in a start-up and two busy kids at home left me with z-e-r-o time to blog (or shower or brush my hair - see pic above). My life was an actual highway, and I really did ride it all night long. So, sorry not sorry? Just know that I've really missed you over these many months.
I've been more than a little nervous to get back to blogging; I mean, is it like riding a bicycle? Will I remember how to write? Does anyone even care about fashion blogs anymore? Can I leave like Taylor Swift and come back more relevant than ever? Or will I be like Madonna who young folk only recognize as that old lady who used to sing? Did I just compare myself to Taylor Swift and Madonna? This is off to an impressive start.
Anyway, I'm excited to get back to sharing my favourite finds with you, if only so I can shop obsessively/ therapeutically with full justification to do so. It's called taking one for the team and team - I am here for you. Kk, let's do this...