
Entries in Regan Solid Top (1)


Weak Moment

Ever feel like you're just giving, giving, giving?  Both kids are home-from-school KO'd with a wretched stomach bug and I've had two straight weeks of way too much work and way too little sleep.  I'm feeling weak.  My defenses are down. I still have a bazillion gifts to buy, and I don't have a single delicious thing in my fridge.  La pauvre moi. 

Then I saw my sister in this Club Monaco top (the long-sleeved version) today and it struck me.  This top is the thing.  This top will make it all better.  It's a little expensive but I've been saving so much money on all my gifts by being a grand supreme bargain hunter that really, it all kind of evens out, no?


The Regan Solid Top ($119.50) (along with other similar leather-paneled beauties) is at Club Monaco stores now.