
via American Eagle
Originally posted in The CLOSET
Each year, right around this time, my husband and I have a little tête-à-tête. It's usually in the kitchen, in the morning, as we frantically make our kids' lunches and toss our breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, while I beg him to please make us cappuccinos so I can get my sense of humour back. I'd make my own but he does it better. The conversation usually involves one of us saying something like, 'So, Valentine's Day...' and the other one of us being all like, 'Let's just do something little. Honestly, do NOT get me anything.' At this point he usually launches into his anti-Hallmark-Holiday tirade to justify not buying gifts, claiming that he doesn't like the pressure of having to prove our love in such a premeditated way. He usually gestures towards the expertly frothed cappuccino in his outstretched hand at this point, as proof that he does romantic things for me all year round.
And I tend to agree. I mean, romance should not necessarily be inextricably tied to holidays. It should be the thoughtful little things that we do on the daily for our loved ones that prove that they matter to us. And while my 'do NOT get me anything' used to translate to 'I actually hope you get me something and if you don't I'll be annoyed,' I legitimately mean it now. He knows that I love a card with a sweet message written inside. He knows how much I adore mid-week champagne. Both of us usually cave and end up buying each other something little and occasionally something big, which I will never turn down, because DIAMONDS (HINT, HINT - no seriously, do NOT get me anything), but he understands that no matter what, I will likely go out and buy myself a gift anyway, because I've learned the importance of loving myself. That, and I have a shopping addiction. Finally, when I come home wearing my new cute new red kicks, he knows to notice and tell me how cool I look, even if he'll never, ever understand my excitement surrounding shoes. Now that's love.
Whether you're fully committed or flying solo, whether you want to surprise your bae or just want to treat yoself, you're going to love these on-point red and pink picks. Click the thumbnails to scroll through. (Oh, and also Love Yourself video below because no matter what you think of the Biebs, you have to admit he makes the best music videos.) Happy Valentines, lovelies! xo