
Entries in Date Night Outfit (1)


LOVE FOOL | Heartbreaker Fashion

via Sunday Times

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

Mention Valentine's to any group and you're guaranteed to score a few eye-rolls and looks of disdain. Valentine's? Seriously? We don't NEED Valentine's to show that we love each other. It's such a cheesy holiday. Red roses are SO obvious. 

And it is. And they are. But there's something about having young kids and never having time for a coffee break let alone a proper night out, that makes me pine for the days of long stems and dinner dates. Sure Valentine's is a little cheesy. But as life gets busier, it's kind of nice to be reminded of the need for romance. As long as they're tulips, not roses. Oh, and I hear Colette is still taking reservations. Ahem. Whether you want to go all Bachelor-style with OTT displays of contrived romance or prefer to pass the day like any other, there's no denying that red & pink is a combo to love. 

This Valentine's I've fallen head over heels for these two pretty shades. I adore either colour worn head-to-toe but especially love when you pair red & pink together. Try a red maxi dress with a little pale pink bomber. Or try popping on a pink sweatshirt with a cute red baseball cap. Scroll through the slideshow below and have fun playing matchmaker. Hearts will be broken (in a good way)...