MOM LOVE | Most-Wanted Mom's Day Gifts
Originally posted in The CLOSET
Moms like me don't ask for a lot. Thank-yous, pleases and R-E-S-P-E-C-T are all we moms really need. But I don't know a single mom who wouldn't love a little something'-somethin' from Sephora to really drive home that thank you. I'm not familiar with any fellow parentals who wouldn't love a new handbag (PLEEEASE??). And, of course, nothing shows true appreciation like a pair of gold Dr Dre headphones. Um, do they come in the noise-cancelling variety? Respect.
Since my kids don't have any credit and I certainly don't want my husband to destroy our family budget on my behalf, I'm guessing that many of you moms are in the same boat. I've rounded up 40 gorgeous gifts - some expensive, most not - that are on my radar this year. The presents on this shortlist are sure to please any mother-in-law. These picks are designed to delight any doting grandma. This guide will help, well, guide any lost husbands out there. And if you end up with a card, some flowers, or even nothing at all, feel free to use this list to belatedly treat yoself. After all, being a mom is a 24/7, 365 kind of gig. You just never know when you might need a little pick-you-up after a particularly tantrum-filled/juice-spilled/couch-ruined/tear-out-your-hair kind of day. This is when those gold headphones really come in handy...
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