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35 Reasons to Love Winter White

via RW&CO.

Originally posted in The LOOK

There comes a time in every person's life where we're forced to grow up. Whether it's living on our own for the first time, having a massive work crisis, or raising kids, life has ways of showing us how capable we really are. My fashion awakening came when I realized that I could wear white. And not just a white t-shirt but all white, head-to-toe. I started one summer with the purchase of a little white dress. I loved this dress. Like wanted to marry it. And then 5 minutes in, I spilled a smoothie all over the front of my would-be spouse. I was like, 'Shoot. I should have known. I'm so clumsy. I, of all people, cannot pull off a white dress.' But then I realized, 'I have a washing machine. I have a Tide stick. I think I might even have bleach. I can handle this.' We had a summer like no other, me and that dress. And then I got pregnant and it didn't fit anymore. But that dress changed me. Sniff. It really did. 

I don't spill as much as I used to. I count on my kids to do all the spilling for me. But white remains one of my favourite colours (or non-colours) to buy, both for myself and for my kids, even though everyone swears its impractical. Solid white can be bleached or Oxi-Cleaned or put out in the sun to brighten it up. And it's so much less moody than black. 

I'm sure you know by now that it's encouraged to wear white after Labour Day, but how much do you actually wear it? Whether you opt for bright white or cream, or even a mix of the two, white has this subtle way of brightening up your complexion and your mood that few shades can. And as the snow starts to fall, I can't think of a better way to embrace winter than with a chic white coat, a cozy cream cable-knit sweater or even cool white runners. And if you're worried about them being impractical, don't. You're a grown-up. You can handle this.



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