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FLOW RIDER: How to Wear Soft Pants this Summer

Long, loose & lovely, how pretty are these pants from the H&M Conscious Collection? Photo courtesy H&M. 

Originally posted in The CLOSET

I've got a soft spot for soft pants. Okay, fine I have a soft spot for pyjamas. I wear them all weekend and often think to myself, 'Wouldn't it be lovely to wear these all of the time?' And while pyjama dressing has been a 'thing' for a few years now, let's be honest - nobody other than supermodels and Europeans can actually get away with this trend. At Paris Fashion Week, the paps would be all over you. In London, Ont. (or any other small town in Canada for that matter), you'd only get pitying looks and maybe a few honks from passersby.

Soft pants, though, are something we can all get away with. Loose, flowy and supremely comfy, there are so many cute ways to make soft pants work for you. Whether you go with prints or solids, with wide or tapered legs or with long pants or shorts, summer is the perfect time to walk away from stiff, constricting fabrics. 

Go on, slip into something more comfortable. These three pretty looks will help you go with the flow all summer long...  




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