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A Pandora Bracelet ($350 Value) Giveaway

Originally posted in The LOOK

The one-size-fits-all approach rarely ever turns out well. It stands to reason, then, that there's no perfect gift to please every mom. When I think of the things I've picked up for my mom over the years, I can't believe she didn't burst out laughing more often. From pink sparkly makeup brushes one year to soap-on-a-rope that spelled out MOM (literally) another, my mom was a master at holding it together when we'd give her gifts. 'Oh, thank you!' she'd say. 'That was sooo thoughtful of you!' And my husband has similar stories. I'm pretty sure that green power drill in our basement was once gifted to my poor mother-in-law, all wrapped up in a big bow and promptly 'borrowed' by her questionably-intentioned teenage son.

Though every mom says 'Oh, you don't need to get me anything...' a surprise present is always appreciated. I've put together a list of winning gifts that are stylish, thoughtful and fun, and guaranteed to be met with delight this Mom's Day.  Plus, we're giving away a gooooorgeous Pandora bracelet ($350 value) for one lucky mom. Read on for full contest dets...



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