Loubi, Loubi, Oh Baby
So...guess who I get to meet tomorrow?? I've somehow worked my way into the exclusive Press Conference and personal tour of the Christian Louboutin exhibit BY CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN LUI-MêME at The Design Exchange in Toronto tomorrow. Dyyyying. And I don't own a single pair of Loubis yet :( Here's the dilemma: Do I go with something totally inconspicuous (black, simple, understated), or Converse to show that I wouldn't dare wear any heels other than Loubis in the Great One's presence? Or do I jump off the train, hightail it to Holts and break the bank for a 3 hour tour (a 3 hour touuur)? Or do I give a slight nod to the Louboutin aesthetic with some rockstar studs à la sandals I featured yesterday? One thing I do know is that this is no time for a Louboutin DIY. I can picture it now - trailing red paint prints behind me as I flee the Design Exchange, Christian screaming, "Traître! POSEUR!!!" all the way. Sh•t. And you think you have problems getting dressed in the morning...Wish me luck. Pics and the whole Louboutin in Toronto lowdown to come...
Reader Comments (1)
OH my god i dont know!!! I honestly feel stressed out for you! Cant wait to hear what u chose!!!:)