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Bright & Lovely at the LOFT Summer Preview


My favourite shorts from the Summer '13 LOFT collection. I would do a million lunges to make these shorts happen. LOVE!

The sad thing about all of this amazing catering? Fashion people don't typically eat. Or if they do, they don't want to get their clothes dirty and so, they just wait to eat until they get home. #tragic


The jewelry and accessory collection was incredibly cute. I especially loved all of the statement necklaces (including these fun fringey ones) and sparkly rhinestone bracelets.

The lovely Nicole Wilson (of Dainty Girl fame) and I both read the memo.  The uniform of choice at fashion parties right now? Black & White. Photo courtesy Nicole Wilson

Click on the thumbnails below for a preview of what's coming to LOFT stores for Summer '13 xx 


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Reader Comments (1)

You got some lovely shots, Sarah!! Love LOVE those shorts.


April 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSolmaz

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