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Roots Giveaway

Best cottage hostess gift EVER.  The Roots Hand-Embroidered Canada Pillow ($245)

A pic from the Roots Spring 2012 Campaign - photo courtesy Roots

My most recent Roots obsession - the Selina Italian Leather Box Bag ($239.99)  I wear it every day (did you know it's pink inside? sigh...)

I can always count on Roots for a hit of pure Canadiana, with its cozy sweaters, easy lounge wear, sumptuous leather handbags and nostalgic finds (Beaver Canoe, anyone?).  With the influx of American chains storming our retail scene, I love to see that Roots is constantly growing, evolving and, like a fine VQA, just keeps getting better with age.  

It's the last day of RLR's Treat Week and to celebrate, we're giving away a $50 Gift Card to Roots.  To win, leave a comment below telling me your what you love most about Canada.  (Maple syrup? Hockey? Justin Bieber?) Contest ends at 5 pm today.  Good luck to every Canuck! x

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    CVS Pharmacy, one of the largest pharmacies in the US, is offering a $1000 cash prize for participating in their customer feedback survey at

Reader Comments (138)

I love the changing seasons most!
thanks for the chance!

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteramy brown

What I love most about Canada is autumn. The colours are spectacular, you can't beat it anywhere else.

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWendy Mudge

Favorite thing about Canada- Maple Syrup and any Canadian related holiday!

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRiley

I will always love the prairies in the summer <3

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I love how green it is everywhere and the changing seasons.

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

love the freedom and the health care system in Canada! But most of all, I love that we get a bit of everything in terms of weather!

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Walpole

I love how diverse Canada is - rolling prairies, sky high mountains, big cities, small towns, etc. A close second, though, is maple syrup. :)

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJacqueline S

I love how the world looks upon us Canadians as polite and accepting.

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAudrey

What I love most about Canada is how everyone looks out for and cares for each other. It starts with our healthcare and continues with our day to day friendliness and polite disposition!

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrad

I adore Canadian seasons. Each has its own unique aspect and beauty, and reminds me of what a beautiful country we have!

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCathie

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