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An Ann Taylor Toronto Giveaway

Just wrapped up a whirlwind week filled with interviews, previews and parties. Now, I'm rolling home on my early morning VIA train as I consider the day ahead;  deadlines loom, big, fat turkey awaits and I fully expect a domestic explosion (of the housekeeping kind) when I return.  Oh, and the pies.  The fam will freak if I don't make pumpkin pies.  I'm actually thinking pumpkin whoopie pies this year.  Cray-cray?

Please give this blogger a day pass and in place of a proper post, accept this blinged out bangle from last night's Ann Taylor party as my sparkly apology?  Ann Taylor, in case you haven't heard, opens at Toronto Eaton Centre today but I got a sneak peek at last night's media launch. Gorgeous store, so many pretty pieces (and people) and the best part?  They're actually price-matching the US.  Hallelujah! #lessonlearned

Oh and speaking of J.Crew, the amazing new Eaton Centre store opened yesterday as well, with Toronto's first ever men's shop.  Check back soon for all of my party pics from the week and more gift bag giveaways.

To win the Ann Taylor Brooch Cuff (one of Kate Hudson's fall faves), tell me your favourite part of Thanksgiving - be it an experience, a family tradition or a yummy recipe you can't be without (help! need inspiration).  I'll announce the winner at 5 pm today!

Gobble, gobble, happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful weekend to you!


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Reader Comments (31)

I love getting together with friends and family...our tradition is to go camping at our regular spot where we have friends and family...all the families that we are close with there put all of our picnic tables end to end across our sites, each family brings their own dishes and utensils and a few food items to this smorgasbord thanksgiving!

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

Cranberry/sour-cherry? Yum! Love the sound of that! x

October 5, 2012 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

The leftovers.....can hardly wait for a turkey sandwich!

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca K

My favourite part of Thanksgiving is the family dinner. Not only is my grandmother and aunt amazing cooks so everything is delicious, but with all of the grand children growing up and going away to school or work, it is one of the few times a year that we all come back and sit around a table.

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

Our thanksgiving family tradition is to spend time together. This is very hard in our family with everyone working and in different cities most of the time, but we make time for each other because it's important. Unfortunately this year my brother won't be able to take part so thanks to modern technology, he will be there via FaceTime on the iPad. Thank god for FaceTime! :)

Recipes: gluten-free peach cobbler and gluten-free stuffing are family favourites (lots of food allergies in our clan). Cheers to you and yours! :)

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKelly Adams

awww, i'm getting all sentimental now! loving your stories so far! x

October 5, 2012 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

My Grandpa passed away 2 years ago on Thanksgiving weekend so over this holiday I always think of him and am thankful he was in my life.

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterErika

OK.. first.. love the bracelet.. second... I AM INSPIRED BY YOUR RECIPE!! I am thinking of making these now, how come I have never heard of pumpkin whoopie pies!!!!

My favorite thing about thanksgiving is getting together with family!!

Thank you!!

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSUMMER PLEWES

My favorite part has to be the big family meal, everyone sititng around talking enjoying great food and not rushing off to do something else.

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commentervilmark

I love spending time with my family and of course eating such amazing food!!

October 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

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