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Go Commando

Yesterday, I bought this belt.  Black leather-panelled leggings, cream chunky knit and flat boots in desperate need of a military twist.  I tied it on, allowing the camo and hit of neon to partially hide out under my sweater. Then I made a pit-stop at Starbucks.  Baristo peppered me with questions about my order (breakfast wrap with that? a pumpkin scone perhaps?) and then engaged me in a little friendly fire while staring not-so-subtly at my waist. Yup, full-on frontal assault. 'Where did you get that belt?' he finally demanded.  'Gap.' I replied with a curt nod. I rolled out, did a few army crawls through the parking lot and made it safely to my vehicle.  Headed out at 1600 hours.  Destination? Daycare. Had to do some serious progeny recon.  Worked my way through the toddler mêlée until I reached my target. Son and I marched purposefully towards the parking lot.  He glanced up and then, in a small voice shouted, "Cool belt, mom." Mission accomplished.

Pick up your Printed Calf Hair Belt ($34.95) (like now, soldiers) at Gap.   Warning: it's well-camouflaged, naturally, but worth the search. 

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Reader Comments (3)

"Cool belt, Mom!". I love it.

October 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterM

"Cool belt, mom!". Ilove it!

October 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterM

Cool is his favourite word so not sure if he actually meant it or just wanted to try the word out in a sentence. Either way, it was cute :)

October 10, 2012 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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