Paul, Stella and James, Scotland 1982. Picture: Linda McCartney; Life in Photographs
While moms are undoubtedly important, life just wouldn't be the same without our dads. A dad is the king of the grill, the teller of tall tales, the terrifying blanket monster, the bicycle instructor, the high-flying-toss-in-air-master, the Jaws in the pool, the brave bug-crusher, the hose-spraying lunatic, and the resident chocolate chip cookie-tester. But it's not all fun and games; dads are always there to soothe when things get rough, to give the best goodnight hugs and to impart wisdom to their little ones. With a gentle hand, a playful mind and a loving heart, a good dad can make all the difference and for that, he deserves a little something on Father's Day. Whether he's sporty, stylish, or sentimental, our Father's Day Gift Guide will help you give him something he'll really love this year (keep these gifts in mind for upcoming birthdays, too).
A super Happy Father's Day to great dads everywhere xo

Originally posted in The CLOSET