Sochi Obsession: Johnny Weir & Tara Lipinski
All photos via JohnnyGWeir and TaraandJohnny on Instagram.
I've been so tuned to CBC's Olympic coverage that if it wasn't for rlr mini, I might have completely missed the magic that is Johnny Weir. The flamboyant two-time Olympic figure skater and Gold Medallist Tara Lipinski are the new figure skating broadcasters for NBC and while their commentary is spot-on, it's aaall about the fash-ion. According to USA Today, Weir and his 'work wife' brought 8 suitcases, 20 pounds of shoes, and four fur coats to Sochi, and the duo often stay up until 3 am coordinating outfits. He is all neck bling, sparkles, Chanel blazers and vintage Ferre - a cross somewhere between Liberace and Caesar Flickerman. Lipinski, meanwhile, is a little more subdued but super chic nonetheless, in her Valentino Rockstuds, fair-isle jumpsuits, and YSL handbags. If you don't already, you have to follow TaraandJohnny on Instagram for their hilarious fashion play-by-plays and amazing coordinating ensembles.
Weir on Lipinski walking past the buffet: 'And there she is, she's grabbing for a treat. She's eating the treat. She's walking, Tom Ford heels, she's walking, she's walking. And spins. Nails it!' Best.
And Putin thinks there are no gays in Russia...honestly...