Never Say Never
Chambray Blazer, H&M; White Shirt, Banana Republic; Scarf, Club Monaco; Belt, Banana Republic; Pants, Zara; Polka-Dot Socks, Winners; Shoes, Johnston & Murphy
When I first met my husband way back in 2000, I had a serious style challenge on my hands. He was like a badly-kept, beautiful old home, except instead of shag-covered hardwood and dropped ceilings, his gorgeousness was hidden away by a bowl cut and tragic Eddie Bauer pleated khakis.
I loved him right away, penny loafers and bad 'do notwithstanding, and could definitely see loads of potential in his tall/dark/handsome looks, but wondered if he'd ever actually let me make him over. Here's the thing with guys - they don't like to ask for directions, they prefer to find their own path, get lost along the way, and take a really, really, long time to do it, and then eventually, 10 - 12 years later will finally come to you. And when they do, you will be there, armed with a pair of slim-fit trousers and a chambray blazer.
This outfit is what I consider James' graduation day. I have taught him what I know over the past few years, and this morning, this is what he came up with ALL BY HIMSELF. #proud #sniff
I'd give him a cap & gown but I'd hate to cover up all of this hotness.
Happy Friday, y'all! Any fun plans for the weekend?