BACK-TO-SCHOOL 101 | 50 School-Ready Scores for the Rest of Us
Originally posted in The CLOSET
I've never believed in letting kids have all the fun. I'm not saying kids shouldn't have any fun - that would make me the worst - I'm just stating that fun should be shared by all ages, don't you think? And when it comes to fall shopping, we should never stop getting those back-to-school feels. There's a certain sadness about saying goodbye to summer for sure; but there's also that feeling of anticipation, of wondering what's coming next, of starting fresh.
Since September's widely considered to be the real start of the new year in the fashion calendar, now is the time to take stock of your stuff, donate the old/ugly/ill-fitting and shop for some new things. Whether you're a teen, a twenty-something, or are someone like me who basically just loves any excuse to shop, I've rounded up 50 of my fave school-ready finds below. You might be going to an actual school; I'm currently enrolled in a school called life. It's a stretch, I know. Either way, we all need to shop, right? Happy new school year, lovelies! Hope you're enjoying every last little minute of summer xx