Messages of hope on the Vaughan Mills Love Lock Wall...
Epic snowstorm or not, we are on our way to Vaughan Mills. My kids are in the backseat, all dressed up, and there is no turning back. With school, soccer practices, choir performances and colds having delayed us over the last few weeks and Christmas only a week away, this is literally our only night to do this - and for the record, we're not just going to shop. As the Official Stylist of Vaughan Mills, I spend most of my days focusing on the fluffy stuff - the fashion, the shoes, the sparkly gifts I find on the daily at VM, all of which I love. But while Vaughan Mills is one of my favourite places to shop, it's their focus on giving back that means the most to me. And so, we're driving, through a blizzard, for 3 hours, to see Santa.

Even a snowstorm can't stop these two from seeing Santa...
Made it! C & A, all set to meet the big guy at Santa's Tiny Big Town.
For the second year in a row, Vaughan Mills has partnered with Toronto's SickKids Hospital for Santa's Tiny Big Town, where 100%(!) of the proceeds generated from Santa Photo Packages will be donated to SickKids. We came last year and my kids still talk about how magical Santa's Tiny Big Town was. The set-up is beautiful with twinkly white lights everywhere and magical little elf houses dotting the path to where the kids eventually meet the man of the hour. This year, there were no line-ups, no waiting (see: blizzard) so C & A waltzed right in but VM has thought of everything so along the way, there are loads of games and distractions to keep little ones entertained.
Fun games in the line-up make waiting loads of fun.
All is calm, all is bright...
Frame-worthy. And yes, Santa's beard is 100% real (I know because they checked).
We're greeted by two elves, direct from the North Pole, who usher us into the room where Santa sits. The genius part is that you can't see the big guy until you're allowed into the room so it feels special and quiet and magical. Once inside, you finally see Santa, in all his jolly glory, sitting on his giant green armchair. My kids are in awe and I see them examining his beard. It's definitely real. They tell him their wishlist (which includes everything from rocks to hoverboards this year), then he gives them a magical key to leave out for him on Christmas Eve before posing for a pic, winking his eye and bidding them goodbye.
All giddy after meeting the man of the hour.
"He's the real deal, mom," declares my daughter, whose grade 4 classmates in her 3/4 split have had her questioning things like Santa and the tooth fairy lately. Confidence restored and two thrilled kids in tow, I smile, realizing I get to keep them little for at least another year. Vaughan Mills is awesome so they've given each of my kids a gift card to pick up a little something for themselves as a pre-Christmas treat. We head to LEGOLAND®, the Disney store, Toys, Toys, Toys (where Alex is in Pokemon heaven) and Build-a-Bear, where my daughter gets to build and dress up her very own reindeer. She is 100% smitten.
No trip to Vaughan Mills is complete without a visit to LEGOLAND®.
Decisions, decisions...
Literally larger-than-life LEGO...
Talking Pokemon (a language I'm sure I'll never understand)...
Chloé's first trip to Build-a-Bear and her newly 'born' reindeer, Emma.
An important reminder in this season of giving...
Shopping was fun but I'm most excited for this next part. The kids don't know it, but they're about to be part of something amazing. With the focus so quickly turning to what we want to get this time of year, I often struggle with how to teach my kids to give in meaningful ways. We make our way to the Sport Court (Entry 4A) to visit Vaughan Mills' newest charity initiative - the VM Love Lock Wall. The concept's inspired by the love locks in Paris where you write a message on a padlock and leave it behind. The Vaughan Mills Love Lock Wall is similar, but which each padlock purchased, 100% of the proceeds will be donated to SickKids. I was lucky to be invited to the media event last week to see the wall in progress and meet some of the families who regularly rely on SickKids - so many inspiring messages of hope have been left on the wall already and it really hits home when you meet these strong, incredibly brave kids.
All ready to lock in our love for SickKids...
But first, cupcakes...
Vaughan Mills ambassador, Katie Zeppieri, gives C & A the Love Lock run-down...
I take C & A to meet Katie Zeppieri, former SickKids patient, TED speaker and Vaughan Mills Love Lock Ambassador. She explains how you buy a padlock, write a message on it, then lock in your love by attaching it on the wall. As a 'keypsake', you get to choose a charm necklace to take home or give as a gift. Um, teacher gifts: DONE. Katie explains that they can write whatever they want on their locks - from words of love, to a message of hope for the kids at SickKids. I can see their wheels spinning as they try to think of the best words to write. My son asks how to spell Pokemon so we explain it again to make sure he really gets it. 'OHHH, okay, how about Be Brave.' Perfect.

The perfect holiday gift for teachers, friends and family this holiday season...
You can't miss the massive GIVE sign...
Choose from Hero, Love, Dream or Best Friend - purchase a lock and you get to take home a 'keypsake'...
Bright red locks all ready to be personalized...
Thinking of the perfect message is the best part...
A writes 'Be Brave' on his lock...
Love this message.
The Love Lock Wall is starting to fill up...
C & A try to find the perfect spot for their locks...
C leaves her message on the Love Lock Wall...
After the locks are locked on, we head back out into the storm and make our long, slow trip home. As my kids fall asleep, my daughter murmurs from the backseat, 'That was so worth it.' I totally agree.
Want to give back this holiday season? Be sure to head to Vaughan Mills to visit Santa's Tiny Big Town (hours here) or the VM Love Lock Wall (or both) until Dec 24th. While you're there, be sure to snap a pic of you locking in your love and share it with the hashtag #VMLoveLockWall. Also, don't miss our
Share your Love Lock Story and you’ll have a chance to win a $200 Vaughan Mills gift card and a padlock to lock in your love at our Love Lock Wall.
All you have to do is:
1. Follow @vaughan_mills on Instagram
2. Like the Vaughan Mills 12 Days of Giving post on Instagram
3. Tag a friend
4. Comment on our Instagram post or share a video about who you will be locking in your love for
5. Winner will be announced on @vaughan_mills 12 Days of Giving post at 1:00pm and will win a $200.00 Vaughan Mills gift card and a padlock to lock in your love at our Love Lock Wall.
6. Profile must be public