Want, Want, Want: 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target
All photos courtesy Target
Things have been a little crazy here lately. Between deadlines, croupy kids, and my new show with iVillage.ca on CMT (more on that soon!), it's enough to drive any blogette to NET-A-PORTER. Luckily, these pics from the new 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target Collection landed in my inbox last week, just in time to appease my stressed-out need to power shop. Phillip Lim is kind of the It guy right now, with the consistently best accessory collections and a banging wardrobe to match. This newest collab is going to require some serious shopping commitment on your part - I'm not saying you'll need to tent it, exactly, but you'll need to arrive pretty early for any shot at the handbags.
The collection ranges from $19.99 to $299.99 (peanuts for anything Lim) and will be available starting (and possibly ending) Sept 15th at ALL Canadian Target locations. In the meantime, you can start making your shopping list below. Can't wait to hear which pieces you score.
Happy Friday, beauties! Hope you enjoy every minute of these last summer weekends (sniff!)