LONG WEEKEND FEELS | 35 Off-Duty Fashion Wins
via H&M
Originally posted in The CLOSET
There's nothing like a camping trip to relax and unwind. Putting up a tent that may or may not leak (who doesn't love a game of Russian Roulette?), battling mosquitoes All. Night. Long. and peeing in the forest at 2 am is pretty much the same as a weekend at Langdon Hall for me. Bears. Oh wait. I lied. I'd rather be shopping.
Whether you're a hardcore camper (props) or prefer to take is easy for reals like me (yay!), the first long weekend in May is a big deal for Canadians. It marks the unofficial start of summer. It kicks off a season of patios and parties and generally just being way more social. It means backyard barbecues and pitchers of sangria and spending time with friends. It could mean cottages for some and glamping for others. And for me, it means the start of a season where we can dress for the weekend like we really mean it. Slides and cute sneakers absolutely scream 'off-duty'. Easy, breezy dresses and cute jumpsuits let you look casual enough for any random weekend invite but still super chic. And the accessories! I'm all about weekend accessories. Scroll through the slides below for 35 off-duty fashion wins to wear this weekend and the next and the next...
Happy (almost) May 2-4! Hope you do SO much chilling.
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