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SHINE BRIGHT | 4 Fun New Ways to Dress Up This Holiday Season

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

December has arrived and here we are: officially in the thick of it. We're about to embark on a month-long bingefest of eating and drinking and general merry-making. And while you might be tempted to throw on your flannel onesie, snuggle up in your mermaid blanket and just call it a day, remember that 'tis the season for dressing up, too. I mean, other than summer, is there any time of year more social than December?

You'll be out grabbing gifts with your fellow shoppers, fuelling up at brunches with big men dressed in red, sipping cocktails with your co-workers and fêting all things festive. And then there's all that time with your family - from Christmas recitals to epic full-day feasts. Your flannel onesie is not going to impress your mother-in-law. You are better than your flannel onesie...



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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you for the tip! been looking for a mermaid blanket for sometime now!

December 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTeya

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