Running in Heels | My ECCO Shape Obsession
The problems started when I bought my first pair of ECCO SHAPE boots last year. They were merlot ankle boots, with a high stacked heel and a pretty profile, but they felt like running shoes. So, more like platform running shoes, minus the Spice Girl vibes. Throughout these past 11 months, I've often reached for my other boots, attempted to feel the feels for my other heels, but at the last minute, I always grab my ECCO SHAPE boots. Here's the problem: I could wear flats for grocery store runs, for daily school pick-ups or for double daily dog walks. But I prefer heels. I just do. And now all of my other heels feel uncomfortable. They just do.
So what makes them so comfortable you ask? As they say at ECCO, 'No modern woman wants to be held back by her footwear.' #truth. And so ECCO designed the SHAPE collection, offering cutting-edge, minimalist looks all stacked up on a magic heel. Each design has a foot bed which lowers the heel of the foot within the shank, allowing the 75 mm heel to 'grow' an extra 15 mm, ensuring ultimate comfort while still giving the illusion of a higher heel. The soft, supple leather moves naturally with every step (no breaking in required) and inside, the 'anatomical shank' offers complete support and cushioning. The collection features both solid and printed/textured heels and boots with a distinctively Scandinavian feel - simple, minimalist, but with a subtle edge.
At the launch dinner for the ECCO SHAPE Fall '16 collection, models literally danced through the ROM in their ECCO heels. A ballet dancer performed pirouettes in her Mary-Janes while modern dancers did hours of ear-grazing dévelopées in their ECCO Shape ankle boots. Meanwhile, I sat and contemplated which shoes to add to my collection - hardcore waffling between a pair of navy snake print ankle boots and some amazing textured black midis. ECCO offered to buy the boots for me this time so I decided to stray from my usual black and go with the navy snake print, even though the heel was a bit lower than my merlot loves from last year.
My ECCO SHAPE 35s arrived this week and I've fallen in love all over again. I've had 3 people stop me in 4 days at my neighbourhood coffee shop to compliment my boots. On the 4th day, I was the only customer in the shop, btw. My kids told me they like my fun boots. Even my husband, who has a vision impairment that doesn't allow him to notice new shoes or haircuts, noticed them and liked them without me having to ask. I'll wear them with jeans and leggings and dresses and skirts but because they're not a pair I'll likely wear errday, I'll alternate between those and my merlot boots from last year oh, and the black textured midis which I just bought - um, hold on a minute, credit card info, blah blah, address, confirm purchase - now. Worth every nickel (is this what we Canadians say now?)
Check out the new ECCO SHAPE collection in ECCO stores now or online here.
Reader Comments (2)
I love your last paragraph!! Cracked me up!
wow that's great knowledge