SO JEANIOUS: Normcore Denim
Photo via American Eagle
Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop
In the not-so-distant past, there were obvious denim lines never to be crossed. I'm talking about those off-limits style offenders like mom jeans, acid wash and dated flares. Jeans with high heels were bad and jeans with Seinfeld-esque running shoes were even worse. Skinnies came in and simply never left, forcing us all into gut-sucking submission, whether they actually looked good on us or not.
2014 has changed everything. The rules that used to govern our denim buys have all been busted with designers sending out every kind of jean we've ever seen, or secretly hoped to never see again. Mom jeans? Cool. Acid wash and tie-dye? Très cool. Super high-waisted skinnies? Totally cool. Ripped boyfriends? Vintage flares? Patchwork? Cool. Cool. Cool. I am loving this anything-goes denim shift because now, you can focus on the jeans that work for your body type, and not have to spend a second worrying about whether they're trendy. Blame it on normcore(I blame everything on normcore), but everything (literally everything) is trendy again.
Read on to see to see my fav denim in stores for Fall '14 and happy jean shopping! It might never be this easy again...
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