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JET SET: 70 Perfect Packing Essentials

A sunny pic from the new La Vie en Rose Spring Campaign. Photo: La Vie en Rose.

Originally posted in The LOOK

As the Sochi Olympics keep telling us, #WEAREWINTER. But by February, even the most die-hard Canadians among us are ready for some warmth. I mean, there's only so much white stuff one country can handle. And so it goes that every year around now, our thoughts start to drift southward. Daydreams of sun, surf and sand make the long, cold days more bearable. In our minds, breezy blouses, floaty dresses and beautiful bathing suits replace our massive parkas and clunky boots. Instead of an ergonomic shovel, we hold a margarita (or dos, por favor) in our outstretched hand. And even if we don't have a flight booked, we know that the warmer days of spring are just around the snowbank.

With Reading Week and March Break quickly approaching, I've put together a dream packing list for your next vacation. And, if you just so happen to have an extra ticket, I know of a certain fashion blogger who would really (REALLY) like to come with. Think about it. I'll even pack your suitcase.

Check out these 70 Perfect Vacation Essentials to help make packing more your next vacay a breeze...



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