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Found: Plaid Perfection

An Abbey Road-inspired pic from the JACOB Fall '13 Campaign. Love this!

We've been home for the past 5 days with our 5 year-old who has, by some unlucky stroke, come down with a 1 in 300 000 kind of disease that has her perpetually doubled over with cramps. The doctor says it's not serious, it's not contagious, and that we all just have to wait it out while it runs its course. Poor kid! The only thing that seems to make her feel better right now (other than Tylenol and Mamma Mia on repeat) are warm baths and a big plaid blanket that my parents picked up for us years ago on a trip to Europe. 

Plaid, by the way, is THE print for fall. Since Dancing Queen is playing (and my little chiquitita is having a rest), I thought I'd share some of these amazing plaids from the new Fall Collection at JACOB. Don't you just love? I'd be inclined to wear them as a full suit but if you're not feeling as bold, you can also wear them piece by piece to look right on trend this season.

K, back to my little patient and a big thanks for your patience while we battle this bug. xx


Plaid Blazers, $149.90 each, JACOB

Plaid Trousers, $89.90, JACOB

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Reader Comments (1)

Give my little chiquita a BIG hug from me.

September 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterM

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