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Razzle, Dazzle: How to Wear Bright Blue

Feeling blue backstage at the Michael Kors Fall '13 show - photo via Fairchild Photo Services

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

It's funny the way colour works;  One minute, designers are claiming that black is out, that bright colour is in. The next hot minute, brights are shunned and black is totally back. I mean, colour? That was sooo last season. While black & white (along with of-the-moment grey, navy and pink) are currently reigning supreme in fashion's inner circles, I'm really feeling bold, bright blue, too. How about you?



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    Football is genuinely one of the most significant sports in America. It has a key following.

Reader Comments (1)

The woman with her back to the camera looks great!

November 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSweet Sticky Rainbow

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