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Empire State of Mind


Ashley Greene in DKNY's Ad Campaign - photo: DKNY

I'm a little excited about tomorrow.  Thanks to Smart Set and the team of babes at Brill Communications, rlr mini and I are being flown to NYC for the day.  We'll be met at the airport by a private car, drive to the Meatpacking District, then spend the day in studio meeting models, photographers and checking out Smart Set's Summer 2013 collection/campaign shoot.  Apparently we'll be interviewed by someone.  Then lunch, POWER SHOP, back to LaGuardia and home again, jiggety-jig.

I'm hoping the day goes in slow mo so we can take it all in. Off to pick a NY-worthy outfit - I'm thinking winter white...

Will post pics asap.  Did I mention I'm a little excited? 


ps - eek!

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Reader Comments (2)

Have the best time Sarah Bella!!

January 22, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterregan

Thanks Regs!! Can't wait x

January 23, 2013 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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