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Dot, Dot, Dot...

Emma Watson Fashion - Gucci polka dot dress

Emma Watson in Gucci Fall 2011 polka-dot dress - Photo by Mariano Vivanco, courtesy UNi magazine 

When it comes to fall trend-spotting, it's pretty hard to miss the upcoming season's print of choice.  Polka-dots are the new stripes and are playfully popping up on everything from silky pants to dresses to sweet jackets.  And, like the post-Hermione Emma Watson, polka-dots suddenly look all grown up.  Now all you have to do is spot your perfect dotted piece and rock it right now with bare legs and this fall with opaque tights and a clean-cut blazer.  RLR Tip:  Avoid looking too Minnie Mouse by giving your dots a downtown vibe.  Stick to black & white (or navy & white) dots and mix in edgy accessories - think bold cuffs, a sculptural choker or a killer pair of ankle-booties.  If you want to add some colour, a great red tote or classic red lips will do the trick.   

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Reader Comments (2)

that dress is outstanding!

July 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterantoinette

Amazing, right? I'm dyyying over it.

July 25, 2011 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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