Tickled Pink
Fendi, Emporio Armani - Spring 2011, photos courtesy GoRunway.com
As a little girl, I was smitten, like so many little girls are, with everything pink; crayons, candy, dresses and shoes were all so much better when washed in the eternally girly hue. When asked about my favourite colour, I would answer without hesitation, "Pink, of course!" and I felt absolutely certain that this answer would never change. We rarely know when major life-changing events are about to happen. We go about our everyday business without a clue that something epiphanous is right around the corner so when we encounter it, it often comes as a bit of a shock. My moment came when my sister got home from school one day when I was about 9 or 10. I was wearing pink, naturally, and I'm not sure whether I'd done something to annoy her (probably), or she'd had a rough day at school but she gave me the once-over, looked me square in the eyes and haughtily proclaimed, "You Look Really Ugly in Pink". WTF? I'd worn pink nearly every day of my life up until that point and nobody had ever told me!? From then on, I quickly answered "BLUE" to anyone's inquiry about my colour of choice, and, terrified of looking hideous for the rest of my life, did everything I could to avoid wearing the uglifying shade. It took me nearly 20 years to get over it (ridic I know, since I'm sure my poor sorella doesn't even remember saying it) but here I am, pink and proud and thrilled that the Colour of 2011 (as declared by Pantone) is Honeysuckle, a bright, happy and universally-flattering reddish-pink. Real Life Runway Tip: Designers dressed models in honeysuckle from their tips to their toes so if you have the guts, this is the season to get completely pinkalicious. For those of you who want to honour the trend in a more subtle way, the shade looks especially gorge against whites, tans, and navy and will add an instant hit of femininity to your wardrobe as it transitions from winter to spring. Are you going to think pink this spring?
Reader Comments (5)
LOVE this colour pink....not too much of it in my house full of BOYS.
What a gorgeous, flattering, feel-good colour! Love it!
Perhaps, dare I say it, it was to prevent further theft and damage to my own closet...if you'll recall, our hugest blowouts and beatings began because instead of trying to at least hide the fact that your were borrowing my clothes, I would find my hard-worked for items crushed beneath your bed, stained and ruined...with no remorse whatsoever...oh. how far we have come ;)
there it is :) was waiting for that
don't they say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery or something?
remorseful me
Glad that's been settled. Mieux vaut tard que jamais.