My Clairol Shift-A-Shade Hair Campaign Reveal
Monday, October 27, 2014 at 8:53PM
realliferunway in Beauty, Beauty, Clairol, Clairol Nice n' Easy, Clairol Shift-a-Shade, Events, Fab Finds, Fall 2014, Fall 2014 Hair Trends, Fashion, Hair Trends, Holiday 2014, How To Wear, New & Noteworthy, Shopping, Style, The Looks, The Trends, Toronto, Winter 2014

Pre-hair/pre-makeup. Let's just call this the BEFORE.

Hair can say a lot. Like clothes, your hair can tell people about your taste (or complete lack thereof), your personal hygiene, and even your ability to make rational decisions. As I mentioned a few weeks back, my hair is usually laissez-faire, and while it’s not extreme in a bad way (since I’ve kept my natural brown and obviously wash it regularly), it also doesn’t really say anything at all. It’s just kind of there. Which, in a way, is just as bad as an actress wearing a little black dress to every single movie premiere. I needed a serious shade shake-up. Luckily, Clairol swooped in to save the day when they asked me to be a part of their Shift-a-Shade Campaign, along with a few other lucky Canadian blogettes. Our mission: show up at Hair on the Avenue in Toronto for a full-day video shoot complete with a colour consultation, makeup makeover and styling session. Um, love my job.

First up was my consultation with owner of Hair on the Avenue, the formidable Luis Pacheco. As he eyed me over, I pleaded to go anything but red (I’ve gone there before and let’s just say I was far from a ravishing redhead). I could see him considering the selection of Clairol Nice ‘n Easy boxes and then he honed right in on a rich brown: 5N/118A – Natural Medium Neutral Brown. My natural hair colour is a light brown and I’ve always wanted to go darker, especially for fall. Luis totally read my mind. Phew.

Next up was my consultation with makeup genius Patrick Rahme. My husband’s currently working on a start-up, we’re living in the midst of a never-ending house reno, and my two kids have just started JK and Grade 1 in a new school in a new city, so the stress and lack of sleep are starting to manifest themselves as subpar skin and under-eye bags. With the magic of a few smart makeup tricks from Patrick, I became a well-rested, bright-eyed beauty. Like I said, genius.

After my new hair colour had been applied, I met with super stylist Alexandra Melancon. I wanted help justifying some more expensive pieces and also hoped to test-drive a jumpsuit, so Alexandra put me in an expensive black one-piece and a cool little bomber, a perfect high-low mix for my new look.

And the darker, deeper AFTER. KaZOW! 

It’s amazing what a difference shifting a shade can make. With my new darker ‘do, I feel more stylish, more sultry, and emboldened to try more Clairol colours at home. My hair is shiny, rich and healthy-looking and I’ve already gotten so many compliments on my colour. Why didn’t I do this before?!

Check out the fun video from my day at Hair on the Avenue below and then try shifting a shade yourself. Oh, and be sure to use this $2 off coupon for Clairol Nice ‘n Easy when you do.

Thanks for the fun, Clairol!


Go bolder. Go warmer. Go deeper. Go golder. With our broadest spectrum of natural looking shades, you can change it up and still look like your most amazing you. Get inspired and #shiftashade. Nice n' Easy with Colour-blend Technology is available in 44 shades. For more information visit 

Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Procter & Gamble via Mode Media Canada. The bloggers were compensated for the Clairol Shift A Shade campaign and were asked to review our products. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Procter & Gamble.

Article originally appeared on Real Life Runway (
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