A Short Story
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at 7:46AM
realliferunway in Fab Finds, Fashion, How To Wear, How to Wear, Intercity Shopping Centre, Shopping, Shorts, Shorts Summer 2013, Spring 2013, Spring Accessories, Street Style, Summer 2013, The Looks, The Trends, Trends

A classic summer uniform from the Mango Summer '13 Campaign. Photo courtesy Mango.

Hard to believe, but August is in full swing. How? How did this happen? Where did July go and why can't time just slow down please, if only so we can enjoy the sun, the warmth, the lack of layers for just a little longer? I say it's time to Carpe Diem, darlings, and rock a pair of only-for-summer shorts. If you've got some shorties languishing in your closet, these 3 outfits might inspire you to wear them a little differently. And if not? Luckily, it's sale season and if you're going to pick up a new pair, now's the time to do just that...


Article originally appeared on Real Life Runway (http://www.realliferunway.com/).
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